Statistics & Analytics Consultants, which was started in 2008, is a group that very shortly will be over 10,000 members worldwide. Statistics & Analytics Consultants Group is dedicated to providing statisticians the opportunity to network with others in their field and share ideas and make business contacts.
Our Goal is to introduce statisticians and analysts to business contacts for consulting opportunities. We also would like statisticians to start discussions to share ideas and best practices and connect with each other. Anyone with a Statistical background is welcome and all statistical disciplines are welcome. The group comprised of those who are involved in different aspects of many disciplines related to statistics and analytics – including actuaries, academia, corporations, banking, programmers, pharmacy, biostatistics, manufacturing, engineering, etc. However, the focus is on supporting the consultant and their skills in the industry in which they practice – from statistical, technical, project management, business development, etc.
On LinkedIn, responding to requests from members, we recently started subgroups in different software areas: SPSS, SAS, R-Project, Excel, and Stata. Heading these subgroups, as moderators are leaders in these particular areas. Some of the discussion topics we have had in the group have included:
· “How to detect fraudulent behavior of sale personnel of the Company through statistical analysis of Sales Data”
· “Checking for Falsification or Duplication of Records”
· “Removing Multicollinearity”
· “Is Statistical analysis a part of Data mining or Data mining is the part of Statistical analysis?”
· “A bank has a test designed to establish the credit rating of a loan applicant. Of the persons, who default (D), 90% fail the test (F). Of the persons, who will repay the bank (ND), 5% fail the test. Furthermore, it is given that 4% of the population is not worthy of credit; i.e., P(D) = .04. Given that someone failed the test, what is the probability that he actually will default?”
In addition, because we are interested in what statistics, analytics, and business intelligence tools you are using, to better serve you, please take our survey: SACG Survey
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